"...people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." Matthew 15:8-9

Mongo's Mission

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

American Character

Bah humbug!

I just listened to the President's speech and the democratic response and have no reservations about what is the right course of action. I take the President's side here.


Well, I am not a "cut and run" type of guy. I see the war in Iraq as the battlefield for superiority between the terrorists that would fight us and the will of the American people. Forget about the reasons we got there. Forget about the WMD's, Saddam's madness and murder, and the tyranny we decided to depose. Forget about America's failed foreign policy that has alienated Arabs in the Middle East. Today, al Qaeda and Muslim extremists are fighting our soldiers in the streets of Baghdad, and we simply cannot afford to cut and run. We cannot tuck tail and embolden a group of bastards that have declared war on us, who have said repeatedly they wish to eliminate our way of life, and who have tested our American character and attacked us on our soil.

The war on terror isn't just being fought in Afghanistan anymore. And we must have the guts and the fortitude to fight it wherever it needs to be fought. If Iran wants to test us, let's answer their call. If North Korea wants to push us, let's push back. It is high time the American character be proven to be a no nonsense, tough, and equal to any challenge. The faster the world understands that we cannot and will not be pushed, the faster they will stop pushing.

This can only be done with the resolve of the American public. Let's inform our Congressional leaders that we will not stand for divisiveness. That is not to say that we want our President to have carte blanche, but we certainly do not need the politics of 2006 giving our enemies the advantage of a divided America. We must resolve to win in Iraq, no matter what the costs, and to do so decisively.

To do anything less is only to endanger us all in the future. Period.

The best website I have found for weight management

I am in the process of getting "back" into shape and losing weight. Not an easy task for a soon to be 40 year old who has been out of competitive shape for years. Still, as I look at my wife and kids, I know I have to do something to prolong whatever natural life I have left. Leaving things to fate has never been my way.

I started to count calories. At first I was just curious to see just how much I actually ate, and relate that to how much I should be eating. Everyone should do this, particularly if you want to lose weight and get in shape. I started Googling for calorie counters that would help me put a number to the food in my list. Then I stumble on an absolute awesome website!

Go to http://www.calorie-count.com. Create a profile and use it daily. This website not only has the nutritional information for more foods than I have ever heard of, but also can help you determine how many calories you are burning. Pretty need stuff. You can put a host of activities in your activity log and relate that to how many calories you are consurming. This website also gives you information on some diets, and allows you to analyze a recipe for nutrional value. Plus, there are forums that will allow you to get information or converse with others about diet, excercise, or motivation.

This is the absolute best website for those of us dieting or getting in shape. It is a "must" tool if I have ever seen one. Take a look!

Oh, BTW, I am not affiliated in any way with this website. It is just that good.