"...people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." Matthew 15:8-9

Mongo's Mission

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Is being gay a sin?

I was reading with some interest the apparent "curing" of Evangelical minister Ted Haggard. I find it odd that the so-called "men of Christ" that "cured" him have not cured him of his adulterous behavior, but of his homosexual behavior. Makes you wonder where their collective head is.

My Christianity is a tolerant one. If Jesus taught us anything, it was that tolerance and love should be of utmost concern for each of us. Jesus sat and ate with all types of reviled characters, and even invited them into His inner circle, and yet here are supposed teachers of Christ's word curing a man of something they revile while saying nothing about the real sin this minister committed: adultery.

It seems most Christians of today are more interested in listening to false prophets in ministry then in the actual words and teachings of God. Jesus came to mankind to reverse the words of the Old Testaments, words of hate, anger, murder and chaos. He came to preach love, tolerance and fogiveness as a means to Him. He said nothing of punishing those who are not like us for being different, instead choosing to tell us all "he without sin may cast the first stone".

It's time the faithful stop acting like those wayward souls running their churches and more like the Messiah sent as an example to us all. It is time to stop killing people for who they love and accepting them for who they are.