"...people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." Matthew 15:8-9

Mongo's Mission

Monday, February 26, 2007

One Nation Under God?

As one meditates and prays on life's questions, it becomes apparent how easy it is to be contradictory in our nature. A great example of this is the war in Iraq and what it means to each of us as a person. My thoughts on this come directly from this video found on You Tube. If this is true, and I believe it is, we are going down the dangerous road and our actions are unforgivable.

Contradictions as one grows spiritually and mentally will always happen. The more you need to grow, the more you will end up being contradictory. It is, of course, the person who doesn't change who contradicts themselves the most. If this is true, than I must have grown a lot over the past months, because my attitude about this war changes with every body I see, with every innocent life lost, and with every coffin laid to rest.

I find it odd that we went to war to punish those who attacked innocent people. We label the terrorists "monsters" and "evil". I will say that after watching the video, the American voices heard could have easily been Arabic and the weapon of choice a car bomb. We, in defending our "one nation, under God" have become our enemy. We have sunk to their level, and have taken on their morality.

It makes me wonder if we have sunk to their level and taken on their morality or if they have sunk to ours and taken on our morality years ago. We, a supposedly "Christian" nation, have rejected the teachings of Christ and have not only attacked our enemies, but also attack innocent people without provocation. Call it battle stress, call it an itch trigger, or just call it what it is: evil.

There is no excuse for this behavior. The man on the tractor, I wonder if he knew this was the last kiss he would give his son. The son, I wonder if he knew that the rains of hell were about to fall upon his family. Either way, we have made enemies here, and we need to ask for forgiveness.

Let's end the lunacy now, before forgiveness cannot be found. Peace.