"...people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." Matthew 15:8-9

Mongo's Mission

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First food

You gotta love your kids' firsts. This is a picture of my soon to be 4-month old son eating his very first "solid" food. It is times like these when one realizes just how much we take for granted.

Today I got into a discussion with my 12 year old daughter. It was mostly a one-sided affair (as most of our deep discussions are), but meant to try to teach her something about life other than which shirt matches what pants. I have always felt that the creation of this world is a miracle. To me, life and creation prove, without a doubt, the existence of God. I don't believe that science explains away God, but rather supports His existence just as a matter of reason.

Life is just too delicate and too complicated to be an "accident". When you think about how children are created, how they develop, and how they take half of mom and half of dad into the world, it is just to awesome a happening to have been devised by chance. When you think about how mom produces milk to feed baby, how the sperm joins with the egg, how the cells divide, and how baby grows and learns, it just seems way too involved to not have been planned out by some Higher Existence.

When you realize we are the perfect distance from our sun to support life, and have the perfect atmosphere for our existence, and that this planet gives us all we need to survive, again I believe it is too much to all be an accident. No, to me God planned this out, created it all, and now gives us the freedom to do with it as we please. He has given us the tools and the rules, it is up to us to follow them.

So, I will continue to enjoy these first, hope for more, and follow God's plan for me as I struggle in this world. Whatever He has in store for us, we will continue to count our blessings, work hard for success, and share the love we feel.