"...people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." Matthew 15:8-9

Mongo's Mission

Monday, February 5, 2007

Science Explains Away God?

I have heard religion explained away in scientific terms. It seems that as long as there is a scientific explanation to something, than that could serve as proof that God does not exist. Conception and birth are no longer miracles because science has explained how they happen. The heat and light of the sun are no longer things of amazement because science has explained how it all happens. Once, man was amazed at lightning and thunder, and now even those have lost their luster in the eyes of grown men and women. So, is it possible that science has explained away religion?

To most, this is an easy question depending on what belief system you employ. To someone who does not believe in God, religion is a fantasy created by those in need of something to believe (I was given this evaluation by an atheist). Religion is nothing more than a fantasy based on more fantasy. God becomes a crutch and eternal life a dream. To others, the Bible is to be taken quite literally, every word dissected and believed without question. To one person, believing in God is silly, to others, God not only exists but bore a son to save the world from sin.

Let's dissect religion for one moment. The "major" religions (i.e. Christianity, Islam, Judaism) base their rules and beliefs on books. Most of these books are filled with rules that, well, could scare the crap out of anyone. Death, destruction, sex, violence - it's all there in the black and white text of the Old Testament and the Torah. The Qur'an isn't much different - non-believers must die unless they either submit to Islam or pay a hefty tax for not being Muslim. It is no wonder some could not believe in the religion based on any of these books. They are not scientific documents, with theories tested and hypothesis rendered. They are, after all, written by mostly uneducated men in rather primitive times.

But what if science actually supported the existence of God? What if these explanations, while demystifying certain events that once bewildered men, actually offered proof proof that God existed?

Take the miracle of conception. While science has actually explained how conception happens, no one has actually explained why the HOW happens. What method of design actually created conception? What actually causes the joining of the female sex cell and her chromosomes with the male sex cell and his chromosomes? What mysterious presence actually joins the chromosomes and creates a new life? Exactly what created this miracle, what exactly created the mechanisms by which all life on earth reproduces?

Even those who think that the Theory of Evolution completely dispels the Creationist view on man's creation, could it be that God actually created humans in a way different than that stated in written text? Could it be that man, in his primitive state, decided to simplify the method and design by which he got here? Could it be that God actually created man out of something else long before homo sapiens began the reign we now enjoy? Isn't it entirely possible that evolution itself is a creation of God to ensure life survives the eventual changes in our environment?

So while science explains the hows and whys of life, death, birth, illness, emotion, and suffering, it cannot explain the origins of those things. So, it would seem there is still some room to believe that God, this Ultimate Designer, created these origins of the hows and whys we strive to understand. It would seem, that although we know how the Earth was formed, how the Sun produces the light and heat we need to live, and even how Evolution itself is a creation of God?

Whereas it seems that men have divided religion into sects and sub-sects, it is quite apparent that most religions are all based on the resounding principals of compassion, peace, love, and tolerance. It is also part of the contradictory nature of man that those tenets are only seem to apply to members of their own "sect". It does appear odd that most major religions lose their tolerance, love, and compassion for those not of their faith. Again, it isn't hard to see why there are non-believers.

As each of us goes on our own path, it may prove important to think about the possibilities. It is important to understand what it is that makes us who we are. The human genome may have just been deciphered, the the author of the genome has yet to be credited. The deciphering may be a great discovery, but in meeting the author we may find the greatest discovery of all.

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